Digital Marketing

All You Need To Know About PPC Campaigns

By Muhammad Hanzla Ijaz


Before we get started about what PPC Campaigns are? Let’s first get a clear picture of the story about what PPC is.

PPC (pay-per-click) is an advertising model in which someone searches for specific keywords or phrases, and you pay a fee to keep your website on the search engine result page (SERP). Your ads will appear on the SERP, and you will be charged based on whether visitors click them. You can generate quality leads and ROI by properly executing PPC. You can find these PPC ads on search engines like Google and Bing. 

Reason why business use PPC marketing:

  • If it’s properly done, it can be very easy on your pocket.
  • If someone wants to get their Ads to rank at the top of searched results when anyone tries to search for them, then going for PPC is your ticket. It not only helps you boost sales and leads but on top of that, you can create brand awareness.
  • You can create and run a variety of ad campaigns for each keyword. 
  • You may have heard the phrase “the more the better,” and the same goes here. The higher the CTR (click-through rate), the higher the results mean more conversion and double the traffic. 

PPC campaigns consist of multiple processes, from creating an ad to bidding on keywords that drive an audience to take action and turn them into potential customers. Including factors such as monitoring ad quality and extensions to decide which ad works the best and can rank the highest. Along with that, these ad campaigns can be tracked and measured. 

Now, as we know what PPC ads are, let’s get to know them better through their types. 

There are a lot of forms of advertising networks available but let’s talk about one of most-heard off. 

Google Ads uses Quality Score to estimate the usefulness of your ads, keywords, and landing pages to the user’s experience. In addition, campaigns with higher quality scores have lower costs per click and get better ad positions. On the other hand, campaigns with lower quality scores have to pay more for less-desirable ad placements. Another similar search engine like Google is Bing which lets you advertise among other search partners like Yahoo and Microsoft. 

Read More: A Quick Guide To Google Ads Quality Score

Facebook ads differ slightly from Google because you can’t display them on a searcher’s command. But one thing to consider, just like google ads Facebook ads still work on a bidding system, so if you want your ads to show up to a user while scrolling, you have to optimize. 

Display ads are typically graphical presentations that can be banner ads, videos, or search engine ads. People often get confused between search ads and displayed ads. Unlike search ads based on all text, display ads include visuals like photos, videos, or Gifs. Display ads encourage users to come and click on certain ads. The more compelling the display ad is, the more it will attract traffic and visitors to your websites while turning those potential customers into buyers.

Also Read: Types of Paid Ads Which You Can Go For

Next comes Native ads which are typically considered as PPC. These ads are displayed according to the user search topic and use of keywords. While giving them that same feel and functionality, the appearance of the media format they appear in. Rather than pop-up and banner ads, native ads consist of recommendation posts or appear in social media feeds. 

Finally, if you have an audience who hasn’t seen your previous PPC campaigns or ads, or has seen them but isn’t taking any action. Then you can go for retargeting ads that allow you to customize display ads campaigns. And help you re-engage your audience and often pushes them to convert to potential customers. 

Are SEM and PPC the same thing?

People often get confused between SEM (search engine marketing) and PPC (pay per click) but there isn’t any far-fetched difference between them. SEM is used to cover a broad number of functions or items that all fall under PPC. SEM aims to get traffic and visibility from both organic and paid searches. It’s also considered pay-per-click marketing.

How To Run A Successful PPC Campaign? 

Smart placing of Ads

The first thing to keep in mind before you go for advertising. It would help if you focused on the target audience, especially where you are placing your advertisement. Before you go with your PPC campaign make sure you have landing pages working in accordance with your PPC ads. Google Ads uses landing page experience to estimate how well-connected your landing page is to your ad. Your page experience affects your Ad Rank and, therefore, your CPC and ad position.

Your ads may not show that often if you direct users to be confusing, poorly designed, slow post-click landing pages. On top of that, it doesn’t matter how much you’re spending on Google Ads. If your landing page experience doesn’t meet your users’ expectations, you’re not going to get positive results. 

Strategize a Budget 

Before starting a PPC campaign, it is essential to keep your budget in mind. Limiting your budget is a smart move since if you are planning on paying every single time someone clicks on your ads. Why? Well, these clicks are often irrelevant because they tend not to be potential customers. Therefore, it is preferable to adjust your budget accordingly to your target audience, competitors and keywords. 

Target audience 

Well you can’t sell a product if you’re not sure of the people in front of you. What are their interests? And What interests them? Well the sole purpose of selecting a target audience is to target a group of people with the education, goals, interests, and problems as your ideal customer.

Suggested Read: How to Find a Target Audience for Facebook Ads?

For Example, You are selling a men’s grooming product but if you don’t have a clear knowledge about your target audience then what’s the use? Therefore audience segmentation according to interest and demographics is a good practice. 

Design a Quality Advertisement

As you may have heard, first impressions are your last impression. But here you get a back to back shot. You may be thinking how? Well after you’re done setting up your budget, land page experience and understanding your audience. The thing that you need to take into account is the ad you display. Try to design an ad that is interactive and eye-catching. Speaking from a contextual point of view or copy. It should be brief as possible and be in accordance with the product or service goals.

Design a CTA button 

A user journey that begins with the ad click ends with the post-click landing page CTA button click. It encourages users on a website to complete an action like downloading content or buying a product or service. It must be engaging and eye-catchy. Most CTA button labels look like “click to download,” “submit, or “contact us. You should be creative in labeling it and designing it to the experience you want users to have when they are on your website.

Tracking and Testing Ads performance 

Lastly, when you’re done setting up ads, then comes the part when you track them and checkout how they are performing. Going for A/B testing lets you create a look-alike version of the same ad, with one crucial difference. You can adjust almost any segment, including the copy, CTA, keyword, or the landing page itself. With back-to-back experimenting, you can get the version that performs as you want. Also, save time and money by letting you know which ad isn’t performing up to the mark. 


Well, PPC ain’t that of rocket science that you can’t understand. As we discussed above you can accomplish an amazing PPC campaign. Just follow these steps of firstly understanding your target audience &  target market. Keeping an eye open for your competitors and their tactics with that in mind keep an eye open for your own landing page performance. Making a PPC campaign ain’t the end of story. Make sure you run back to back tests to check how it’s performing.  

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