Artificial Intelligence

Best IoT Solutions For Enterprises

By Muhammad Hanzla Ijaz


 Enterprise IoT solutions are the next step in technology that allows physical devices with embedded computing devices to partake in business processes for lowering manual grind and enhancing overall business accuracy. 

Employing the Internet of Things (IoT) as a platform for communication and collaboration, the enterprise IoT applications can automate business processes using contextual data provided by embedded sensors and actuators such as appliances, automobiles, and other equipment. In addition, enterprise IoT applications can send control instructions to these devices based on specific business regulations. 

Suggested Read: All you Need to Know About IoT Solutions

So Why DO Enterprises Need IoT Solutions? 

Using IoT devices, performance data is gather automatically, preventing downtime and improving availability. The growing demand for customization and the faster production pace has many manufacturers looking for ways to boost productivity.

So to keep up, the grind manufacturers must facilitate their employees by reducing back-to-back, process-driven tasks, such as strolling around an industry to check out machines manually. Though manual human supervision is a must, educating workers in engineering-focused, creative roles, such as product growth, is more effective.

How Can IoT Digitize Enterprises?

Supply Chain

With IoT devices (sensors), you can track and monitor each product, inventory, shipment, and machine condition. For a clear picture, placing an IoT sensor within your product can help your business track the location and condition of items as they are being transport. Such information helps provide enterprises with an exact calculation of when shipments will get deliver and prevent issues related to shipments arriving with damaged items.

Another scenario where you can use IoT sensors includes machines. The bigger the industry is, the more extensive the workload is. Therefore, it is crucial to check out the health of equipment and machinery. If any of the machines break down, it can slow the supply chain. So by installing IoT sensors in equipment and machinery, you can monitor performance and help predict the breakdown of any necessary details like maintenance issues.

Smart Factories

Besides improving the supply chain, IoT devices are also working to transform factories into smart manufacturing factories. With the help of sensors, actuators, and chips, everyday manufacturers can record, capture, and critical research details about their product support and aids. Other than that, various technologies enable smart factories, including big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud computing. The data gathered is utilized to improve the process, like meeting the demands in a shorter time or pointing out any other arising issues. 

Enterprise IoT solutions

Asset Management

Asset management is all about keeping track of your company’s assets (physical assets like tools, automobiles, or  IT devices) and information. Speaking of managing or tracking assets, most companies still stick to the old-school ways of manually managing assets either by writing them down or on Excel sheets. Instead, these methods are consider to be less reliable because they are vulnerable to errors and considered quite hectic for asset manager who are assign the task of keeping an up-date of these records. 

While on the other hand, most companies have shifted toward using dedicated asset management solutions to create a smooth flow of functions, letting all employees access and update assets’ data efficiently. This solution means tagging company assets with asset tags like QR codes, Barcodes, or NFC tags. They are manage by asset tracking software. Various sensors can be use for different cases; some of them are speed tracking, temperature, pressure, and proximity sensors. These sensors are place on assets to collect data forwarded to designated cloud storage within a specific duration of time.

Asset management solutions, such as IoT Premis provide companies with important asset-related information. This employee monitoring tool uses real-time monitoring. Thus, it lets you know employees’ execution processes and work patterns. You can study your employees’ productivity efficiently by accessing these details. Top of that, it is easily accessible just by employing beacons (in the form of employee cards) within your premises. Not only does it track and monitor employees’ activities. But also forward data related to them straight to the cloud storage. That not only secures data but is much more cost-efficient, rather than paying for each server to store your data. Besides, you learn about strengths and weaknesses within your company.

Read More: What Is Employee Monitoring & How It’s Done?

For example, you may get to know that your team members have more time on their hands or are more useful in some other areas. With the proper insight of each team member, you can execute more informed decision-making. You get to know about issues like poor customer management or workers’ nature who slack off. 

Safer and More Efficient Workplaces

Having a safe and secure environment for employees is the first and most fundamental responsibility of any organization. Innovation like IoT has elevated workplace safety to new heights. IoT applications and technology such as surveillance cams, fire alarm systems, and smart safes are useful in home and company safety systems. 

Also Read: 20 Types of Workspaces, & How To Know What’s Best For You?

In warehouse operations, IoT devices like smart glasses can help you let you know whether the products are pack or not, eradicating the need to carry a clipboard. Predictive maintenance is also a one-of-a-kind feature of IoT software. That keeps you updated with the state (health) of the device or equipment and lets you know about any errors or maintenance required. Lastly comes Location tracking, another outstanding IoT solution used by industries. It alerts employees when they accidentally enter any premises, which can risk them. 

For example, Like let’s suppose there is a fire or gas leak in a particular area of the building; if there are any IoT devices installed there (Smoke detector or smart fire alarm, wearable device like a watch connected to an IoT server), will detect any threat and set an alert in audible warning or notification. 

Following are some popular IoT platforms,


In the end, it’s a fact that you have to accept that IoT is a one-way ticket for any enterprise seeking a breakthrough solution to get over the traditional old school system. With the help of IoT, any business can get the benefits that they have always desired. IoT solutions not only help an enterprise to grow just by handling the data related storage and overall procedures but also make sure you get any task done without a hustle. It saves your time and makes sure you are working in a safe and secure environment.

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