Digital Marketing

How to Master Local SEO Keyword Research to Rank Better on Localized Searches

By Ali, Having 13 years experience in the IT & Servicing Industry. A.I Lover, Startup Enthusiast, IoT Implementor, and Blockchain Follower.

How to Master Local SEO Keyword Research to Rank Better on Localized Searches

Why is it important for you to understand what people type in search engines when they search for your business offering? Are you under the impression that you know what people are typing while searching for your business? Take a moment to think, do you actually know or is it just an assumption? This Blog post will clarify all such assumptions.

What is Local Keyword Research?

Keywords are words or phrases you can use to optimize your business website to enhance the probability of being found when relevant searches are done on search engines like Google or Bing. Now let’s link the two words, Local Keyword means the keywords or the phrases that are modified and tailored for a specific location. 

Local keyword research is a way to find the relevant keywords that you can use to optimize your business website and incorporate it into your local SEO strategy.

Local SEO keyword search is the perfect blend of science and art to rank better on localized search results. The science part includes the research, to find the relevant keyword, and localized phrases and then build your strategy accordingly. The creative side is to use those keywords on your website and the content you create.

What is the Importance of Local Keyword Research?

According to a Marketing report, 97% of people learn about local businesses through the internet. [1] Of course, you do not want to waste your time and efforts basing your keyword selection on guesswork. So, to make an effective local SEO strategy, it is necessary to target the best local SEO keywords. Local keywords make up a big portion of your SEO strategy, so it is surely a road to success.

Better Business Exposure

Local keywords target a smaller set of the population, which means it is less competitive than non-local keywords. A perfectly focused SEO strategy can help you to enhance the chances of the business website appearing on the first page when relevant searches are done. 88% of consumers who do a local search on their mobiles call or visit the store within a day. And 28% of these searches end in a purchase.[2] This is the power of local keyword research.

Attract Local Customers

Relevant keywords and phrases will help you to discover better ways to attract local customers and understand the search behaviors. It is important to note that users are provided with personalized results for their searches, and an important factor that determines the results is the geographical location. A narrow and relevant keyword base will help you to understand your local target audience.

How to Find Local SEO Keywords?

The ultimate purpose of local SEO keyword research is to find the most relevant and commonly used terms in your industry. It is essentially important to understand your target audience and their preferences. 

how to find local SEO Keywords

It is important to find the right keywords to rank in the results. Follow these easy and simple steps:

Brainstorm and Organize Keywords:

Use Google Keyword Planner to brainstorm relevant keywords for your offering. Brainstorm possible search queries and list down the relevant keywords that you see in your Google Keyword Planner search results. For instance, if you are looking for Digital Marketing for a specific region (eg: Brisbane), the relevant keywords for Local SEO for Digital Marketing would be Digital Marketing experts in Brisbane, Digital Marketing Brisbane Near me, Digital Marketing Service Providers in Brisbane and so on.

Consider Specific Products or Services

People search for specific services too, rather than simply typing in the generic search terms. It means that for the main keyword of “Digital Marketing in Brisbane”, you shall also focus on targeting specific digital marketing services related keywords such as “Online Marketing Brisbane”, “Digital Marketing Consultation Brisbane”, “Digital Marketing SEO services Brisbane”, “Digital Marketing PPC Services Brisbane” and so on. List your specific local SEO keywords according to your specific products and services for more exposure. However, remember that you should stick to specific keywords without using any brand or competitor’s name. 

Include your location in Keywords

Adding city and district tags to your keywords is among the thumb rules of conducting local Keyword SEO research. If you are based in the UK and you are offering services across the whole country, then the local SEO keyword research would imply that you find local SEO keywords for every city and district in the UK. For example, local SEO keywords for “Digital Marketing in UK” would include “Digital Marketing Services in *city or district name*” and so on. 

Use keyword modifiers: 

KW Modifiers are words that further explain your offering, its features, associated benefits or main selling points. You can also mention the events or occasions your products/services are used for. For instance, keyword modifiers for the main keyword “Digital Marketing Services in UK” could be “Digital Marketing Services for Law firms in UK”, “Cost Effective Digital Marketing Services in UK” or “Expert Digital Marketing Services in UK”. Keyword modifiers offer you a better chance of appearing on search results when users are looking for local services with specific features or benefits in certain circumstances.

Helpful Tips to Make The Most of Local SEO Keyword Research

 Here are some good tips on how to do keyword research for local seo:

  • Consider Audience’s Lingo: Think about the most common words and phrases in your industry.
  • Include your city and district in your tags: You can also create location-specific landing pages, as people tend to find products/services near them.
  • Keep a close eye on your competitors: It is not to be done with an intention to copy, instead, it is done to stay ahead of your competition.
  • Use keyword research tools: These tools will help you find relevant keywords and phrases, and the search volume for your target keyword.

Best Local Keyword SEO Tools

There are many options available for local keyword research. You can use manual keyword research tools, free or paid versions. Here are some of the best local keyword research tools:

Google Keyword Planner: 

It helps you research keywords specific to your business and search campaigns. It is a free tool to discover new keywords and get insight into search volume.

Google Trends: 

It is a website that analyses the popularity of top search queries in Google Search. It is not specifically a keyword research tool; however, you can use it to understand how people are searching for a specific business, product, or service.


It uses Google AutoComplete; Keyword is designed to consider organic search and long-form keywords. It is free for the first 750+ keyword suggestions, you can also sign up for a premium version to benefit from the search volume, CPC, and competition levels.


It offers you insights into related keywords and phrases that are relevant to your offerings and suitable for your Local SEO strategy.


It is a specialized tool for keyword research. It will help you find quality-related keywords that have a strong connection to your search. It also helps you to find localized search results and filter down the keywords for your specific city.

Local SEO Keyword Research – Frequently Asked Questions

Is SEO location-based?

Geo-targeting or Location-based SEO means optimizing your content in a way that it appears to your target location. Google is getting better and better, to display location-based results for your searches. Rather than giving generic results, Google will give you location-specific results. For instance, if your office is in Gulberg, Lahore and you search for “cafes”, Google will display the list of cafes in close vicinity.

How can I improve my Google SEO for free?

You can improve your Google SEO for free by implementing the above-mentioned tactics for local SEO keyword research. It all boils down to choosing the right type of keywords and optimizing your website according to Google’s guidelines to rank better on SERPs.

Final Thoughts

Local SEO keyword research is an interesting journey to find the perfect and most suitable words and phrases that will attract the attention of your target customers. If you are not using keywords for local search and relying on guesswork, you are missing out on great opportunities. Using local keywords will help you make an effective Local SEO Strategy that will help you to reach more people in your area, create new leads, and ultimately grow. It is important to keep in mind that keyword research is not a one-time thing. You should revisit your keywords every six months. You will surely come across your original searches but will definitely find new keyword opportunities.

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[2] 16 Stats That Prove the Importance of Local SEO – HubSpot