Digital Marketing

PPC (Pay Per Click) Strategy Campaign Checklist for 2022 

By Muhammad Hanzla Ijaz

PPC (Pay Per Click) Strategy Campaign Checklist for 2022

Okay, so you’ve recently started your ideal job as an SEM expert, and your boss has asked you to present your PPC campaign strategy. This strategy will assist your boss and your organization in exceeding their initial business goals.

Furthermore, you may be quite informed about PPC strategy but you might have never taken the time to sit down and record your PPC magic. How do you begin? There is a lot to cover in this article.

What is PPC?

Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a type of paid advertising that belongs to search engine marketing (SEM). It’s a technique to pay for traffic to your website rather than have it come organically.

We may run paid ads on different online platforms just to directly connect with our target audience. With PPC, the advertiser only pays when someone views or clicks on their advertisement.

 Why is PPC Important?

  • In most cases, Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising companies have an average return on investment (ROI). If you want your company to have the highest PPC ROI possible, one of your top goals should be to improve your PPC strategy.
  • A successful PPC campaign helps in choosing the platforms, targeting options, and ad formats. 
  • It is being used for increased marketability, effectiveness, and visibility of Amazon products.

ppc strategy

Best PPC Strategies You Need For Your Business

A strategy focused on achieving goals is the first step in a successful PPC campaign. Discover some of the most popular PPC strategies. You must know how to implement each one. Therefore, prepare yourself to create a more advanced PPC campaign strategy for your company. Following these steps can give you a better start. Let’s get going!

Define Your Actual Goals!

The key aspect of creating a successful marketing strategy is defining your actual PPC goals.

You must be aware of how to define your goals.

Today, you can select the platforms and ad types that are most appropriate for your marketing requirements.

But what are the typical defining goals or the objectives really important?

A PPC or any paid social program may have a wide range of objectives.

Your PPC objectives can be evident in certain cases. You’ll need to give your company a closer look at these objectives

The most typical PPC objectives are:

  • Brand awareness
  • Considering brands and products
  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Repeat business

Why these aims or objectives are important to you?

These objectives are all fit to achieve maximum sales and purchases.

You should carefully study and look into these main objectives mentioned above. They may prove better for your company as an advertiser and adjust your paid media strategies as necessary.

If raising brand awareness is your primary objective. Social media and display ads are the best options for your approach.

If generating leads is your top concern, you might want to consider employing Facebook’s lead-capture advertisements.

For example, A B2B company may experience a significantly prolonged sales cycle if its corporate decision-makers take more consideration of these objectives. Then they can better investigate business solutions.

Advertise on Multiple Platforms

It’s reasonable that most companies concentrate their internet marketing efforts on Google Ads.  Your business may connect with millions of individuals, including members of your target audience with google ads. However, this does not suggest that your company should only use Google Ads. You can also look for some other channels as well.

Social media platforms can be an example of different channels through which you can connect with your target market. For example, Facebook is a well-known social media tool for companies looking to boost customer loyalty, brand awareness, or even sales.

Moreover, Instagram advertising is possible when using Facebook advertising. Like you must have the technique or strategy to connect your both Facebook and Instagram target audiences. Anyone who wishes to increase their platform reach will benefit greatly from this. Anyone with an online store who engages in e-commerce will find it to be great.

However, you can also look at the available ad networks to determine if any fit with your PPC strategy and objectives.

Audience Targeting

To target their audience, a complex PPC strategy uses a variety of ad formats and channels.

You must know how to use social media and PPC strategy to target your audience.

The type of audience you target, as well as their position in the sales funnel, can help you determine which advertising opportunities to pursue.

For this purpose, You must have a basic knowledge of search intent.

According to common PPC understanding, there are three basic groups of terms regarding search intent:

  • Transactional – users looking to buy something
  • Informational — people who are searching and desire to learn more
  • Navigational—-Users who are searching and seeking to access a specific page or resource.

Now, most firms can’t and shouldn’t use PPC to target all of these keyword groups. The ones you concentrate on should be determined by the nature of your business and other marketing tactics. 

Read More: What’s Audience Targeting & Strategies You Need To Go For

For instance:

  • To boost conversions, an eCommerce company should spend a lot of money on transactional keywords.
  • A company that provides services might spend more on informational keywords to strengthen its content marketing approach.
  • To enhance user experience, a SaaS or app developer could spend more on navigational terms.

What kind of audiences must you optimize besides search?

Of course, there are some PPC verticals you must optimize for besides search. You may daily face challenges on the Display Network, YouTube, and Gmail. You can also target the following audiences:

  • Affinity audiences: Expand the reach of TV advertising efforts with audience targeting. Create unique affinity audiences by categorizing interests using URLs, different kinds of locations, and keyword phrases.
  • In-market audiences: Reach out to customers who are looking for items or services similar to yours. These individuals are typically toward the bottom of the sales funnel and prepared to convert.
  • Life events: Reach audiences on YouTube and Gmail depending on milestones in life like college graduation, marriage, and relocation.
  • Custom intent audiences: Create unique audience groups based on the search terms and URLs that your target audience is using to get information online. 

When creating a PPC campaign strategy with tools, it’s crucial to take into account all of the targeting choices available.

However, Audience targeting is the actual advantage of social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn for advertising. Based on your buyer profiles, you can create very specific target audiences.

Launch a Remarketing Campaign

A remarketing campaign is the best buddy for your company.

Remarketing is a marketing strategy in which you advertise your company to website visitors again.

Remarketing allows you to retarget website users, such as those who looked at a product page. Then they are more likely to purchase your goods than those of a competitor’s products. In such a way remarketing may prove itself worthy of a spot in your PPC campaign.

Moreover, You may target your audience for remarketing campaigns in Google Analytics by page, device, time on page, and other factors.

Once your audience is established, you may create a Google Ads remarketing campaign.

You may easily import and access this audience if your Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are connected. But before your remarketing campaign can start, your audience must contain a certain quantity of people. However, overall, the process of creating and launching your campaign is seamless.

However, if you’re just getting started, remarketing services can be helpful.

Optimize Landing Pages

You really need to optimize your landing pages for successive strategies. When a visitor clicks on a PPC ad, they are directed to a specially designed web page known as a PPC landing page. 

Moreover, You need to lower the cost-per-acquisition (CPA) statistic on your PPC leads if you want to conduct scalable PPC campaigns. One of the sure methods to do this is to optimize your PPC landing pages. You get a significant increase in conversions by doing this without having to increase your ad expenditure.

Landing page optimizations increase conversions, which is an immediate benefit. It also lower bid prices over the long term as your quality score rises. Recent studies suggest that the average conversion rate of landing page is 26%.[1]

Suggested Read: 7 Tips To Improve Your Google Ads Landing Page Experience

Furthermore, The most successful PPC managers link audience targeting and landing page optimization closely. The more closely a landing page matches the initial search intent or demographic interests of the audience, the more likely it is that site visitors will click through, join up, make a purchase, etc.

Moreover, You must create a mobile-friendly landing page to maximize the return on your PPC investment. To guarantee that your advertising offers the best user experience possible, you can develop your landing pages yourself or hire landing page design services.

Create your realistic advertising budget and ads

Once you’ve established your audience targeting and built out your relevant landing pages.

The next step is to design and optimize your advertising. You must create an ad and link to a relevant landing page on your website.

Your advertising act as a bridge between audience interest and landing sites you’ve already optimized for search intent. The main objective of a creative ad is to deliver value and simply describe your unique selling proposition. You should experiment with new copy, video extensions, and maybe more enhanced images to improve your advertising.

Many companies approach web marketing with an overblown budget.

Although most ad platforms allow you to select any budget you desire, your business won’t receive the results you want with a meager ad expenditure. That doesn’t imply that you need a large, extravagant budget to be successful with PPC. However, you need a realistic one, which requires investigating statistics in your business, such as the typical cost-per-click (CPC) for advertisements.

You may create a precise budget for your company by investigating how much other businesses in your industry spend on PPC advertising. You might also use your findings to back up a budget request you make to upper management at your organization.

Depending on your PPC strategy, your company may spend more or less.

By assessing your budget and its value in your industry, you can get the most out of your PPC plan.

Work Your Way Up With Keywords

You may quickly benefit your campaign by using a PPC keyword tool to create a list of PPC keywords for your advertising campaigns.

There are several keyword generators or keyword tools to help you in this process.

Ideally, you should start your PPC campaign with long-tail keywords, especially in the case of selling products. Once you have developed a certain amount of expertise and success with these long-tail keywords, you should move to the next level and start focusing on the most popular keywords.

Read More: A Complete Guide To Do Effective PPC Keyword Research

This PPC strategy succeeds since it will be challenging for you to compete with the market’s existing players as a new seller. If you start your campaign by focusing on the most expensive and competitive keywords, you will wind up spending a lot of money without getting any traffic or conversions for your company. Even if your listings receive ad impressions, there is little chance that they will result in sales because your rivals are far more prominent and well-known in the market for those general keywords.

Use LinkedIn Website Demographics to Refine Your B2B Buyer Personas!

Use the free reporting tool “LinkedIn Website Demographics” through which you may get demographic details on the people who are using LinkedIn to visit your website.

Although this tool was released back in 2017, it doesn’t seem to be receiving much attention. But later People used it, to collect first-party intent data for efficient B2B PPC.

Moreover, You may use LinkedIn’s demographic data to better understand visitors. It modifies your marketing strategy by adding the LinkedIn Insight Tag to your company’s website.

Furthermore, to enhance the activity, group the people that clicked on your LinkedIn ads by job function. Then you may compare this data to your pixel data to determine conversions by function. 

For this purpose:

  • Analyze performance based on the size of the company. If a significant amount of your visitors is made up of small businesses that lack the resources to use your services, you may want to change the wording of your advertisement to include a starting pricing.
  • To find the finest content kinds to use in your B2B marketing campaigns, filter by job seniority. 
  • Utilize this audience data to find placement opportunities on the specialized websites that your top customers are visiting.

Write compelling ad copy

Regardless of the market, all PPC tactics must center on excellent ad copy. Your entire advertising campaign will suffer if your copy fails to engage users, from your headline to your description to your multimedia. When it comes to conversions, people won’t click on your advertisement, which prevents your campaign from even commencing.

By using the following recommended practices, you may write copy that connects with users:

  • Describe how your company stands out, such as with free shipping or price matching.
  • Emphasize any pertinent costs, specials, or deals
  • Strong calls to action (CTAs), such as “Buy now,” “Sign up,” or “Apply now,” should be included.
  • Make sure landing pages do what the ad content promises.
  • Instead of concentrating on a product or service’s features, consider its advantages.

Although creating your ad copy may take some time, the effectiveness of your campaign will likely benefit greatly. Make it a top concern for your group. Even better, you can work together to write your ad copy.

Start right away by making a list of the ads that could use improvement after reading over your present content.

Adopt A/B testing

You can adapt A/B testing if you are having a small online business to test your campaigns with different audiences simultaneously. And the one which performs better, we can pursue our business with that specific audience.

A/B testing can be used for different kinds of platforms as well as for PPC advertisements.

Some platforms even give you options for A/B testing and some of them may not.

Although you can start your advertising and stop them at any time. Nobody advises using this PPC tactic. The majority of PPC professionals advise weekly ad performance monitoring.

How A/B testing can be important and how to conduct it?

Some professionals may let you know how important A/B testing is for your marketing.

With your ads, Google Ads also encourages experimentation. Because of this, the platform enables your company to design tests.

Additionally, it is advised to create three to four text ads with various messages or audiences for testing.

Your company can test several variables via experiments, such as:

  • Bids
  • Targeting of audiences
  • targeting the location

The results of your experiment can then be contrasted with those of the control group. With the use of this information, your company can optimize and enhance its PPC approach.

Instead of making an educated estimate, you are using actual audience data to inform your decision.

Optimize your PPC campaign strategy

As was already noted, when you utilize the appropriate tools, optimizing your ads fits seamlessly into the ad development process. PPC Keyword research and targeting characteristics that support your advertising goals should therefore be the primary focus of your investigation.

According to your campaign goals, the following fundamental metrics for search, display, and/or social ads should be taken into account:

  • The click-through rate (CTR) can assist you in assessing how important the content of your adverts is to the social media or display audience or keyword you are targeting.
  • Conversion rate: A low conversion rate can be a sign that your ad spend would be better used for keywords with higher performance.
  • Cost per click (CPC): How much are you willing to spend to attract a potential customer’s attention? That would be your ideal CPC.

Monitoring important indicators can assist you in assessing the applicability and efficacy of your advertising materials (ad copy, targeting, landing pages, etc.). Additionally, it can assist you in determining the most advantageous keywords and audience-targeting techniques for your particular line of work.


Several goals should be included in a strong PPC and paid social account. To attract the audience or users you must have a pre-planned PPC campaign. To get organized and make sure all the bases are covered, it would be helpful to put this in a chart that includes goals, keyword themes, essential messages, and landing sites.

Review the outcomes after launch to decide how to allocate money and optimize.

To get organized and make sure all the bases are covered, it would be helpful to put this in a chart that includes goals, keyword themes, essential messages, and landing sites.


[1] 19+ Landing Page Statistics You Should Know In 2022— Startup Bonsai